I served as the Deputy Superintendent of Public Instruction for Montana’s Office of Public Instruction for 3.5 years.  In that time, I initiated changes in public policy and helped write and pass legislation to make it better for Montana’s children to experience school and learning. This work will be felt for generations to come by students, teachers, families, and Montana’s teacher development programs. 

Then came the time for me to announce my candidacy for State Superintendent of Instruction.  As a matter of being true to the values of Montana, I resigned from my post as The Deputy because it's ethical to step aside and ensure that my candidacy is not as a paid public servant while campaigning for your vote.

We are a land of small and large schools – our rural communities are the backbone of Montana and I now serve a small school district because being close to students, teachers, and families and being reminded to keep the focus on students, teachers, and families is what leading in education is all about.


In these past two decades, we have raised a generation of children in a world that has struggled to unify itself against all odds.  These days I get asked,

“What is going on in schools today?” 

“What is being taught to our children?”

“Why must we worry about the safety of our children when we send them to school?”

We are in a battle for the future of our children and for the future of their education. 

Special Interest groups, attack our families for wanting freedom.  These groups would snatch from us the minds of our children and turn them against themselves, and us. 

The government’s role in education has grown so large that our homegrown values make little difference any longer and we’ve been left out of the decision-making when it comes to what’s best for our children.

 It’s now time that we uphold the value of every child and make school about giving our children a clear sense of purpose and a clear understanding of who they really are! 

It’s time that families say no to interest groups and big government. 

It’s time that we return to the promise of a public system of education. 

It’s time that parents have an equal say in the public education experiences of their child.

Together we will secure what’s best for our children.  Gather your families, your neighbors, and yourselves to join me in making Montana’s system of education the sacred gift for all our children.



A Message from Sharyl to all Montanans

Here’s where our battle begins:

  1. Attend a school board meeting and request that citizenship and civics be taught in every classroom - Americans who have courage and the rebel in their DNA, stand for the good in America - the land of the free and home of the brave. Teach our child the strength of one nation under God.

  2. We stand with our excellent teachers and proudly write social media posts, editorials, and letters to school boards with specific stories of the difference a great teacher makes in the lives of our children.

  3. We say “no” collectively to child mutilations, child sex slave trade, and we teach our children their true identity as a child of God.

  4. We vehemently say NO to the cultural re-write of men and women that undermine parental rights, the family, and the core principles that built the last best place on earth, Montana.

  5. Montanans have always fought for our kids.  This fight needs each one of us. 


, Marla Swanby, Jason Taylor, Amy Beller, Esther Beckwith, John & Lauralee O'Neil, Vicki Fasbender, Jan Allen, Rob Hoffman, Debbie Wilson, Kevin Beller, Mary Todd, Susie Taylor, Trenin Bayless, Jay Phillips, Jan Allen, John Quintrell, Susan Brown, Jim Bills, Sandra Bills, Kellan Beller, Sarah Swenson, Denise Schenk, Rob Hoffman, Kirsten Lott, Dick Swenson, Kadin Beller, Judy Connole, Mary Schmidt, Laurie Ditto, Cindy Gonzales, Lynn Allen, Linda Reid, Linda Smith, Kay Moser, McKay Swenson. John Skinner, Betty McBratney, Mekell Lybbert, Cindi Ingersoll, Cedar Rose, Ralph Peterson, Brian Heagy, Trivian Rides The Bear, Dr. Wain Allen, Linda Smith, Lori Strandel, Ken W., Monte Smith, Lyle Allen

, Marla Swanby, Jason Taylor, Amy Beller, Esther Beckwith, John & Lauralee O'Neil, Vicki Fasbender, Jan Allen, Rob Hoffman, Debbie Wilson, Kevin Beller, Mary Todd, Susie Taylor, Trenin Bayless, Jay Phillips, Jan Allen, John Quintrell, Susan Brown, Jim Bills, Sandra Bills, Kellan Beller, Sarah Swenson, Denise Schenk, Rob Hoffman, Kirsten Lott, Dick Swenson, Kadin Beller, Judy Connole, Mary Schmidt, Laurie Ditto, Cindy Gonzales, Lynn Allen, Linda Reid, Linda Smith, Kay Moser, McKay Swenson. John Skinner, Betty McBratney, Mekell Lybbert, Cindi Ingersoll, Cedar Rose, Ralph Peterson, Brian Heagy, Trivian Rides The Bear, Dr. Wain Allen, Linda Smith, Lori Strandel, Ken W., Monte Smith, Lyle Allen

Joined the Fight with Sharyl





What Every Child Needs

Join the Battle for the Hearts and Minds of our Kids


I am your steadfast educational leader fighting every day for the future your child deserves

Because like no other time in the history of our nation, we are in a war for the hearts and minds our our children. The battles will be won one day at a time, one child at a time with Divine Guidance and your help.

I am your courageous leader who constantly challenges the status quo of a broken educational system. Education needs a fighter to lead the state the next 4 years. I am Sharyl Allen, a 3rd generation Montanan, a teacher at heart and an American by birthright.

A God-loving Christian Woman

The other day I had a Grade 9 student ask me why we have a moment of silence each day. How would you answer this question?

I believe we welcome God inside our schoolhouse doors and quit asking our kids to leave the “being” part of human beings outside the schoolhouse doors. This can be done without violating “church and state”.

I believe each of us can let our light shine as we love the people around us, take time to talk to a child on their level, and spread hope and encouragement to others. Shine! Shine! Shining brightly…

The hearts and minds of our children have a greater chance of understanding the desires of one’s heart when anchored to God, character, and faith. Add the understanding that infinite principles are anchored in truth and never-changing.

Before leaving home today, pray for your children, your teachers, your school leaders, and your trustees to have discernment, courage, patience, and protection. Imagine the influence of 95% of Montana’s prayer warriors joining the simple, yet powerful prayers for our children’s wellbeing.

A Champion for Learning

Created the first Trades Academy with John Deere and Frontline Ag that opened the door for efforts like Build Montana. Emphasizing opportunities for every child.

Developed the first individualized learning school in MT, over 20 years ago. A model school today.

Created the first home-to-school partnership in the country.

Implemented a blended learning environment in middle school that raised math scores from the bottom 10% to #2 in state testing results.

Developed the MT Undergraduate Residency in Education for teachers. Crafted the bill that passed in the 2023 Legislative session.

Over 40 years of public education service honing professional teaching and leadership skills.

Defender of kids and their untapped potential.

Change agent for an educational system that serves the student needs of their future.

Committed to The One

Which child will we leave behind? Which one loses their confidence in the confines of a system of bells, cells, limited time, testing, testing, and comparisons. Which one?

With a suicide rate amongst youth that leads the nation per capita, we must be able to see each one, believe in each one, and build relationships with each one and their families.

I believe each one has infinite worth and public education must deliver on the promise to each student and fulfill our Constitutional mandate of an educational system that develops the full potential of each person.

Each student, every day, met right where they are in learning, with their agency intact.

Each one, every day, knowing there is an adult in their school, that genuinely cares about their wellbeing and safety.

Each one, each day, each school, each community - with a sense of purpose, passion, and eager to tap their potential.

Choose today to be a true friend to one of your community’s children.


Join us as we fight for the hearts and minds of our kids.

Join us as we fight for the hearts and minds of our kids.

Find out why Montanans from all walks of life are joining Sharyl in this battle

  • In the 30 years I’ve known Sharyl Allen, she has never wavered from being a Champion of Kids! She is dedicated, passionate and honest. As an educator, she has been my mentor and friend, She has helped so many educators become greater than they ever imagined and thus, affecting legions of students with dedicated teachers!

    Sharyl is a powerful advocate for kids! - Linda R., Teacher

  • She was my teacher and coach - always firm, fair, and demanded excellence. I knew no matter what that she had my back and loved me. - Cindy G., Entrepreneur, Pre-School Teacher

  • As a 40-year teacher, I’ve come to think that public education cannot make the vital changes needed from inside. It is near hopeless. Then I met Sharyl and believe she has the understanding, experience and vision Montana needs. In her, I see hope. I am voting for her. - Ken, Retired Teacher

  • I’ve associated with Sharyl for nearly a decade and have see her go above and beyond for kids and teachers, over and over. She is the type of person we need leading Montana’s education, because of her knowledge determination, skills and vision. She has my full support. - Linda, Retired Forest Service, Life-long Montanan, Grandmother, Business Owner

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