Sharyl Allen Sharyl Allen

What do you believe in so much you are willing to go down defending that belief?

We are all called to action…

Do you remember a time when you felt committed to doing right and being your best? If you are challenged today in this world getting ever darker and embracing debauchery like no other time in the history of the world. The world can at times be a frightening place in which to live. The moral fabric of society is unraveling at an alarming speed. None—whether young or old or in-between—is exempt from exposure to those things that have the potential to drag us down and destroy us. The alarming suicide rates amongst our youth are a call to every adult to be on the watchtower. It getting harder and harder every day to choose the right as the false message that “there is no right” prevails in so many media outlets.

The attack on children is one of the most evil movements underway today. We have places where students are allowed to identify as an animal and schools provide litter boxes, etc., for these kids. The other day, a father expressed his pride in his daughter, when at a school assembly on safety protocols, the discussion quickly changed to “Do you identify with being something/someone else?” The discussion went into pronouns and his daughter got up and walked out. Let us all remember, my campaign message: it is the responsibility of parents to raise their children, not the government or government schools. God gave the responsibility to parents to teach their children. This may demand increased involvement in raising children up to God and instilling the virtues that children need. The battle is raging for the hearts and minds of children and requires more parental discernment and protection over the well-being of developing children.

We have so much of our culture and core beliefs off the rails.

  • Mediocre male athletes are allowed to identify as female and complete in female sports.

  • A nominee to the Supreme Court cannot define “woman”

  • When debauchery is flaunted in the streets before children, something has gone off the rails. (Powers, Garner. (2023). A Canary in a Coal Mine.

If you have not yet read the book, A Canary in A Coal Mine by Powers and Garner, order your copy today with the call for action in the pages, that is every God-loving person determined to have their voice heard, the “Woke Movement” that has made victims of everyone, and given illegitimate birth to “Cancel Culture”. Educationally it is a movement from liberty to roots in slavery.

What do you believe in so much, you are willing to go down defending it? The other day I listened to a woman state, “ I am a scardey cat. I don’t think I can open my mouth in a crowd.” Perhaps you relate to this kind woman, then open your mouth with your loved ones.

What do you believe in so much, you are willing to go down defending it? A parent called about how much her child hates going to school and her comment: “I feel like I am torturing my child every day that I send her to school.” It was a privilege to brainstorm with this parent.

What do you believe in so much that you would go down defending it?

For me: 1. Jesus Christ as my Savior, my ally, my Redeemer.

2. The nuclear family is the foundation of any culture while understanding life happens and single parents move forward the best they can.

3. I love this land we call America. I believe our righteous and good actions bring blessings on this land. It is a land of the free, based on principles that require governance by those who follow the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. Those who see the government of the people, for the people, by the people and would never do anything to harm the free future of this nation’s citizens.

4. I believe that the future is based on what we are willing to do today to teach and raise the rising generation with truth. The false philosophies of special interest groups have no place in the lives of children. I will go down fighting for parental rights and children as I have over and over for over 40 years.

Today is a good day for every God-loving person to bend their knees in supplication to God for courage, strength, and the resolve to protect and defend all that is precious to us.

Until next time, God be with you and yours,


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